
Information on Admission to N1 Classes in the School Year 2025-2026

The application of admission in the School Year 2025-2026 starts now.

The child must be aged 2 years old when entering N1 classes, which is born on or before 31st August, 2023.

Parents are still be able to apply for their children who have not reached 2-year-old.

A. Return of Application Forms

  1. The application form can be downloaded from our website or you can also obtain it from school; in person.
  2. Complete and submit the application form to our school in person.
  3. Submit your application together with the documents listed below:
  • A copy of the Birth Certificate
  • A copy of the Immunization Record (Both sides included)
  • 2 passport-sized photos
  • 3 self-addressed stamped envelopes (HK$2.2)
  • HKD$40 of application fee

B. Interview Arrangements

  1. Parents must accompany their child for the interview. Only 2 adults are allowed to accompany and only 1 adult is allowed to enter the classroom.
  2. The interview takes approximately 30 minutes. Your child’s performance could be assessed in various aspects, through play, toys, stories, music or drawings.
  3. To ensure a safe and hygienic environment, we will take various anti-epidemic measures to avoid to reduce the chance of contracting and spreading COVID-19.
  4. Those who are absent will be deemed to have given up their application automatically.
  5. Relevant documents and application fees will not be refunded.

C. Admission Criteria

The applicant will be classified with the category below:

  • The interview performance
  • The applicant with sibling(s) is/are studying in / have graduated from our school
  • The applicant with parent(s) graduated from our school
  • The applicant with parent(s) who are the staff from the Methodist Church

D. Application Procedures



  1. The registration fee will be refundable if their child will be studying in our school in September, 2024.
  2. Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify our school in writing. We will no longer keep the school place for the child and the registration fee will NOT be refunded.
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